Lesson 4: Put Me In a Zoo

Online Reading:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3MOCin2SgY

Vocab Focus:

  • Circle
  • Square
  • Triangle
  • Rectangle
  • Oval
  • Diamond


Shape Monsters

I Love Shapes

Shape Song #1

Shape Song #2


Handle the Shapes-  

Before class, cut out different shapes, big enough for each student to hold. Start off by showing the large square to the class and teaching them the word “square”. Hand the square to a student who says “square” and passes it on to another, each student saying “square” as they pass it around. Do this for all the shapes.

Draw the Shape-

Print out this worksheet and give each student it, along with a colored pencil. Say a shape outloud, and then have them draw that shape on the animal.

Color/Number/Shape Worksheet-

Download this worksheet and print one out for each student. Give each student a red, blue, and green colored pencil.  

Circle Worksheet-  

Download this worksheet and print one out for each student.


Draw a picture of the animal from the book on the board. Then, draw different shapes such as circles, squares, and triangles on him. Have the students identify which shape is which.


Missing Shapes

Cut out different shapes, and then spread the shapes out on the floor and gather everyone around. Tell everyone to close their eyes. Take away one shape and say

“Open your eyes”. Everyone must guess which shape is missing.

Shape Touch –

Again, cut out different shapes, and then spread the shapes out on the floor. Say “Hands up in the air” – once all hands are up say “touch a circle” – and

have everyone quickly touch (not slam!) a circle. Do this or all of the shapes.